I am very pleased to announce that I will participate International Digital Art Biennale Montreal this year. I am presenting “Skin Deep”, a photographic series with augmented reality (AR).

Where: Arsenal Contemporary Art Montreal
Date: May 31 – July 21, 2024
Address: 2020 William St, Montreal, Quebec H3J 1R8
Opening: May 30, 2024,  7:00 -10:00pm

For more info about the Biennale, please visit here
For more info about “Skin Deep” at my website, please visit here

Presented by ELEKTRA since 2012, the International Digital Art Biennial is back for a 7th edition from May 31 to July 21, 2024 in collaboration with Arsenal contemporary art Montreal. The Biennale ELEKTRA is the largest exhibition dedicated to digital art in North America.

It is under the theme ILLUSION that it presents a reflection on our post-factual, post-truth and alternative reality era, a subject that is shaking up the news. Indeed, the proliferation of digital communication technologies and tools from artificial intelligence (AI) contribute to disinformation, notably deep fakes. We can already measure the serious consequences of this denial of reality on the lives of billions of people on our planet. This 7th Biennial is intended, once again, to reflect our societies, which are increasingly enveloped and infiltrated by digital technology.

Curated by Alain Thibault, more than thirty artists from three continents are brought together in a unique way. Under the theme ILLUSION, certain installations will reflect this idealized parallel life in the Metaverse while leading the public to question the very concept of reality and simulation. Thus, visitors are invited to question the existence of certain works, due to their ephemeral, immaterial or even invisible nature, and thus to refine their perception of reality or illusion in an increasingly enveloped and infiltrated society by digital.