The Double
2 hours at Ancient Ecole Des Beaux-Arts, Montreal, 2012

Sixteen females wear red mouthpieces and white bath towels, standing in a row and facing the same direction. They repeat three still gestures: standing, kneeing, and lying on the floor. The performers hold each gesture for five minutes and then move to another gesture.
Mouth serves as the opening for food intake and in the articulation of sound and speech. However, when performers wear the mouthpieces, or when women’s mouth is forced to open, the mouth loses its function. In fact, it silences and disables the women because they are unable to talk when their mouths are widely pulled open. This performance explores another side of the unseen and unspoken—the vulnerability, shame, and struggle that we are uneasy to share and expose.
This performance has been performed at
Kaunas Biennial, The M. Žilinskas art gallery of National Museum of M. K. Čiurlionis, Kaunas, Lithuania
Ancient Ecole Des Beaux-Arts, Montreal
Festival de théâtre de rue de Lachine, Montreal
Place des arts, Montreal
Nuit Blanche, Montreal
performers at Ancient Ecole Des Beaux-Arts, Montreal:
Alida Esmail, Karoline Lebrun, Emily Schon, Kendall Savage, Paula Duffy, Danielle Doiron, Emilia Gallo, Janaki Banting, Elisabeth Racine, Anna Mayberry, Zoe Roux, Emilie L-Choquette, Alexandra Cote, Allie Blumas, Maude Thibault Morin, Claire Evans, Lili Monette-Crepo, Alexandra Cote, Katrina B.
performers at Kaunas Biennial, Kaunas:
Gabriele Pencylaite, Renate Voveryte, Monika Apcinikovaite, Solveiqc xcsileqsleante, Birute Paplauskaite, Mile Silinsliyte, Allsra Kunnapas, Laisvuiye Sidlauskyte, Neringa Krirsciunaite, Indre Matelionyte, Jostina Kiursinaite, Giedre Milkintaite, Egle Danbulauite, Indre Webonaviciute, Alina Puzaite, Raduile Navikaite, Karolina Ginte Salenaite, and Mingaile Perioraite
Performers at Festival de théâtre de rue de Lachine, Montreal:
Wing Sze Tsang-Hy ,Lili Monette-Crépô ,Bailey Eng ,Ekaterina Kukharchuk ,Alexandra Côté,Olivia. Faye Lathuilliere, Claire Métayer ,Simone Pitot , WhiteFeather Christie Hunter , Erin Gee, Brittney Gering, Zed Bee, Marie-Chantale Desrosiers, Dayna Danger, Beth Frey, Elise Timm-Bottos
photo by: David Romero, Dayna Danger, Video by: Pirouz Nemati